Help! Why are my eyes hurting?

Eyestrain is a common condition caused by discomfort or fatigue in the eyes. It is often caused by prolonged time of intense visual activities like using a computer, ipad or phone or reading a book. While eyestrain is usually not a sign of a serious eye problem it can be quite uncomfortable. Eyestrain can occur in people of all ages, especially those who spend significant time using digital devices or engaging in activities that require prolonged near focussing (knitting, reading, sewing etc)

Some common causes and factors that contribute to eyestrain include:

  • Digital device use- prolonged use of computer, phones or other digital devices can lead to eyestrain
  • Reading- reading for long periods of time, especially in poor lighting can strain the eye muscles and cause discomfort
  • Improper lighting- low or dim room lighting, while reading, working or using digital devices can strain eyes
  • Lack of breaks- extended periods of continuous without rest can strain the eye muscles
  • Not using prescribed reading or close glasses

Common symptoms of eyestrain can include:

  • Sore eyes or discomfort
  • Blurred vision at near or distance
  • Headaches
  • Difficulty focussing
  • Increased light sensitivity

What you can do to alleviate eyestrain:

  • Regular breaks- ensure you are taking regular breaks if you are engaging in prolonged near activities. Our optometrists often recommend the 20/20/20 rule; that is for every 20 minutes of screen/close work take a 20 second break look out at something in distance at 20 feet or 6 metres away
  • Maintaining correct viewing distance- try to position screens and reading materials at a comfortable viewing distance in your lap or at armslength to reduce the need of excessive focussing
  • Proper lighting- ensure proper lighting (preferably natural light) in your workspace and avoid close tasks such as reading in dim light
  • Blink regularly- this keeps your eyes moist and prevent dryness
  • Correct posture- maintain good posture to avoid strain on your neck and shoulders
  • Regular eye tests- optometrists can diagnose and manage eyestrain based on your eyes. Your personalised treatment plan may include glasses, eye exercises or a reminder of good visual hygiene practices.

What an optometrist can do:

During a full consultation optometrists will complete an assessment of your vision and how your eyes work together. This includes a full binocular vision and eye health assessment which can tell us if your symptoms are related to your eyes. Depending on the type and nature of eyestrain an optometrist may:

  • Advise on visual hygiene and lifestyle modifications to alleviate eyestrain
  • Prescribe glasses to correct any long sightedness (hyperopia), short sightedness (myopia) or astigmatism
  • Prescribe glasses to relax and support your eye muscles (for example: anti-fatigue glasses, reading glasses)
  • Prescribe a course of eye exercises (vision therapy) to improve control, tone and strength of eye muscles and reduce severity and frequency of eyestaim

Don’t put up with eye strain- you can schedule a comprehensive eye examination by calling us on 9436 0404 or book online



Published 28th of November 2023



Author Luke Ho